Hydrogen case, for the aged of 90, hydrogen for 7 months, the recovery effect surprised experts!

Today, arko is going to share with you a real case of a 90-year-old man who used hydrogen and the results surprised even the experts!

The old man coughed for a long time and his family was devastated by the results

Ms. Cao's father, who is 90 years old, suffers from chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and chronic pneumonia.In June 2017, Ms. Cao's family chose to buy liomai selenium and other products from qianming company and established a relationship with qianming company.

In August 2018, the old man began to cough unhealed for a long time. On the 27th of that month, Ms. Cao's family sent her father to the first affiliated hospital of guangdong medical university for chest CT examination. The results showed that there was a 16×14×15mm unclear burr boundary at the oblique fissure in the medial segment of the right pulmonary lobe, and multiple enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes.After hospitalization with anti-inflammatory drugs, an enhanced chest CT examination was performed on September 6.

Guangdong provincial people's hospital lung cancer experts after reading the two examination results of the old man, directly gave the advice: the old man nodules long location is not good, is 90 years old, the risk is too big, do not recommend any traumatic examination and treatment.

The result left the cao family feeling devastated but powerless.

Know hydrogen for the first time, from resistance to use to willing to accept

In desperation, Ms. Cao learned about klyen hydrogen products from the hydrogen experience center of qianming company, and took the attitude of trying. In November 2018, Ms. Cao took her father to the experience center, thinking to try klyen products first to see the effect.

However, during the trial phase, the don was afraid to use hydrogen products because he did not understand the role of hydrogen.At this point, cao's brother-in-law tried to suck hydrogen after three months of lung fluid absorption between the lungs, blood white blood cells return to normal effect, completely dismissed the worry of the old man, began to try to suck hydrogen.

After 10 days, the don felt his breathing was smoother and more comfortable than before, and his legs weren't as heavy as before when he walked.This let miss cao saw the hope, in December, Ms. Cao bought her father a kli en rich hydrogen cup, hydrogen machine, and hydrogen rich regenerator, and assisted her father at home every day to seriously absorb hydrogen for 6 hours, while insisting on drinking hydrogen water, hydrogen blisters feet.

After 7 months on hydrogen, the effect of no medication was surprising

Until May 7 this year, the old man went to the hospital for a review, chest CT examination results showed: tubercle shadow and mediastinal lymph node disappeared.This was undoubtedly a surprise to Ms. Cao's family. Even the provincial medical oncologist said with surprise after seeing the results of three CT examinations: the burr boundary of the middle lobe of the lung was unclear and the nodules disappeared, and the mediastinal lymph nodes also disappeared, which was really incredible!

You know, from November last year to this inspection period, the old man did not do any drug treatment, just insist on drinking hydrogen water every day, absorb hydrogen, hydrogen blister feet, at the same time every day to take selenium, RG3, plant calcium.This strengthened Ms. Cao's family to help his father absorb hydrogen, drink hydrogen, hydrogen bubble confidence.

Today, the don is still on hydrogen, in good health and walking more easily than ever before.Ms. Cao said she would always help her father use hydrogen.

Above thanks to Ms. Cao for sharing and wish her family good health!May hydrogen bring health to more people!