Hydrogen case | severe hypertension: after 4 months of hydrogen absorption, the doctor said that no special treatment was needed

"Take medicine, remember to take medicine, high blood pressure is so serious, a day can not stop ah"

This is fang fang calls grandmother every time must remind the matter.Grandma always strong body, action, not flower, not deaf, fangfang sometimes accompany grandma to buy food, was far behind her, fangfang said if it were not for the physical examination, do not believe her 70!But since know grandmother has severe hypertension, small fang in the mind worried and distressed.

Interviewee: fang fang

Experiencer: fangfang's grandmother

Visitor: xiao ke

Xiao ke: will you have regular physical examination?

Fangfang: every year there will be 1-2 physical examinations in the community, and I will accompany my grandmother there.A few years ago neighborhood grandparents from time to time someone found out "four high" (high blood pressure, high blood fat, high blood sugar, high uric acid), my grandmother is very happy, said himself "a high" are not.Then I went on a business trip for a while, urging my grandmother to go to the physical examination, my grandmother said, the experience did not check out anything wrong, not worth mentioning.

Small branch: when is that to know to have hypertension?

Fangfang: she said that at the beginning, she felt dizzy occasionally. She thought it was no big deal. She didn't tell anyone.Once she went out to buy food, a slip under the foot, the hands of the food scattered on the ground, she squatted to pick up, want to stand up, a black, almost fell down, she even refused to rest, staggered back, fortunately neighbors saw, holding back to send back.If I hadn't heard it mentioned, we wouldn't know, grandma always so strong.

I probably ate something high in calories and fat when I went to a banquet with relatives.She sat up on the sofa, four or five times did not get up, home also nausea, vomiting, the family insisted on taking her to the hospital to check, this just know is hypertension, and all 180, the doctor said very serious, belong to severe hypertension, and there are mild kidney stones.

Small division: clear cause of disease?

Fangfang: en, the doctor told me to control diet, less salt, less fat and less calories, and to have a good rest. I can't be impatient when things come up. But my grandmother is a hothead.

Adc: how do you know that hydrogen can suppress hypertension?

Fangfang: is the neighborhood to tell, I go to the fifth's experience store experience a hydrogen absorption, learned that hydrogen can prevention and control of chronic diseases, then the grandmother to eat blood pressure medication, blood pressure value is high or low, also often heart palpitations, dizziness, I am very worry, so pay attention to the "grace" a period of time, see a lot of your case record, think can make my grandmother give it a try.In July, I gave my grandmother a hydrogen machine.

Xiao ke: how about the effect?

Fangfang: the effect is good.After one month of hydrogen absorption, the blood pressure dropped, and the morning and evening fluctuation became smaller, staying at 120-140. During this period, I would remind her to measure the blood pressure sooner or later.By September, blood pressure had almost leveled off, about 115, and dizziness was rare.So, I let her drink a few cups of hydrogen-rich water every day, perhaps more effective.After that, I took her to a check-up. The kidney stones were much smaller, and the doctor said they were almost gone, suggesting no special treatment.

Xiao ke's advice:

Life is getting better and better. We eat more fish and meat.Hypertension management is bad, the consequence is very serious!Get high blood pressure, want to check regularly, find the reason.In addition to genetic factors, if you live a healthy and regular lifestyle, your chances of developing high blood pressure will be greatly reduced.

Healthy living includes:

1, less salt

Not only does a high-salt diet cause an increase in the body's water capacity, leading to high blood pressure, it also activates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, which is overactive and can also lead to high blood pressure.

Quit smoking prohibition

Drinking and smoking were positively correlated with hypertension.A Chinese study found that drinking 30ml of baijiu daily increased systolic blood pressure by 4mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 2mmHg.Drinking 60ml of baijiu daily can raise systolic blood pressure by 6mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 2 to 4mmHg, and all people will develop hypertension.


Obesity is also a risk factor for hypertension. Studies have found that for every 10kg increase in body weight, blood pressure can rise by 5-20mmhg.

4. Spiritual factors

Mental pressure, late sleep, irregular work and rest, leading to sympathetic nerve excitement and induced hypertension.

5. Drink hydrogen-rich water

Hydrogen can protect against vascular damage caused by hypertension, and reduce the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction caused by hypertension by treating hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and fatty liver.

According to< Chinese Food and Drug Administration regulations>,Kelieng reminds you that hydrogen is not a drug and can not be used as a substitute for drug therapy.